Smart Revolution offers innovative services to new entrepreneurial teams, startups, and companies within the Smart Up Booster. 
A multidisciplinary, structured, and ongoing support designed to channel innovative ideas by creating solid businesses, able to scale by consciously addressing environmental and social challenges.

Business plan writing

In consultation with the client, the Smart Revolution team develops a business plan that touches on the following points:

- Context: the company, the team and the innovative solution

- Market and impacts

- Operational plan

- Financial plan

- Attachments: Company profile

Smart Revolution also prepares the company for the pitch with investors by simulating interviews to reinforce the client's storytelling and arguments.

Sustainability report and ESG training

The Smart Revolution team is ready to accompany SMEs in the development of the sustainability report. Although it is not yet mandatory for them, it turns out to be a fundamental tool for being part of a value chain, attracting investment and communicating their operations in a transparent way.  

In addition, Smart Revolution professionals have developed a unique and modular training course to create a knowledge base and awareness of ESG parameters for management and the entire staff, as well as to give concrete application to ESG aspects. The ESG Smart Academy consists of several modules, which are highly customizable with respect to the client's context and needs.

Thus, it is a path to awareness that begins with an analysis of the company's status with respect to ESG parameters, which is followed by a personal improvement/training plan through the ESG Smart Academy that concludes with accompaniment to the drafting of the sustainability report/sustainability budget.

Subsidized finance and European calls

The Smart Revolution team monitors possible local, regional, national and European funding sources for the client to co-fund:

- Research & innovation

- Green and digital transformation

- Increase in competitiveness

- Recruitment and training of new talent 

- Internationalization

- Protection of industrial and intellectual property rights

If the feasibility study is successful, the team supports the client in drafting all the documents necessary to file the grant application including management and financial reporting.

This is a 360-degree strategic consultancy to maximize the obtaining of external resources in the form of grant, interest account contribution or tax credit.

Over the years Smart Revolution has gained experience on calls from Chambers of Commerce, Regions (ERDF RP), Invitalia (example Smart&Start, Women's Enterprise Fund, ON - New Zero Interest Businesses, Patents +, ...) and the European Union (Horizon Europe - European Innovation Council Accelerator and Pathfinder, European Innovation Ecosystems, Erasmus +, Life, Interreg).

Smart Revolution adheres to the Code of Conduct adopted by the European Innovation Council, which promotes transparency, fairness, and ethical practices of consultants supporting startups and companies in submitting project proposals under this measure. 

As a member of the European Association of Innovation Consultants (EAIC), Smart Revolution already operates on the basis of a robust Code of Conduct and over the years has championed professionalism and high quality standards of consulting services in all interactions with clients.

Responsabile area formazione:

Rossella Altamura