Smart Revolution is Host Organization within the KA1 courses of the Erasmus + programme. The KA1 project line foresees the possibility for interested institutions/companies to receive funds to develop specific skills for their staff in another EU country.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: This action is addressed to staff of VET providers and staff of enterprises, public sector and civil society organisations, for teaching/training assignments only.
WHAT IS AVAILABLE: teaching/training assignments: - carried out by teachers at vocational education and training institutions abroad, but also by staff of enterprises at other enterprises or education and training organisations abroad; - staff training: work experience and job shadowing abroad in enterprises or vocational education and training organisations.
DURATION: The duration of the mobility ranges from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time. The duration of the project can be 1 or 2 years.
OUR COURSES: Smart Revolution organizes KA1 courses on topics such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, cultural heritage, digitalization, creativity and innovation, informal and non-formal learning, validation of competences, training for trainers, security.